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Sunday, November 23, 2008


First I'm going to start out saying HOW VERY MUCH I love the Twilight BOOKS. I think Stephenie Meyer did an awesome job with the story, the characters, creating a world with in a world. Fantastic... I always have something to read, Thanks Stephenie.

That being said, I thought the movie was pathetic. It was frustrating to me that it was almost a parody of the book. In fact the whole group of women I saw it with, we pretty much just laughed (hysterically) our way through it. Poorly directed, over-acted in very crucial scenes, so much so that it striped them of their power, and Bad, Bad Edward. Not even remotely cute... BAD BAD Jasper. What was with HIS hair and the bug eyes? Did the director forget Jasper has the calming influence on everyone? He looked like a paranoid drug addict. Aaahhh, I missed Alice, the way she is written, and when in the books was Charlie an Alcoholic??

I did like Bella, I thought she was OK, I think the brooding- trying -to- figure- out-Edward shots were very good. Maybe the only part of the movie that was truly true to the feel of the story. I do have to say I did enjoy the "Bad Guys" they did the best acting in the whole movie.

So going into it, I had very low expectations...I knew this was a teen movie. But I think that the director forgot that at least half of the Twilight fan are adults. I'm hoping that if they do the next book into a movie, they get a new director, or more budget or something... maybe they will "Hulk" it and start over with a new cast (except Bella) new writer (maybe Stephenie) and maybe just maybe, they will actually film it in Forks?

It is scheduled to make 70 million on opening weekend, and I do plan on seeing it again with my Mom and Sisters this next weekend... if only for a laugh.


Linz said...

I'm pulling for a new director, new writer and a chest wax job for Edward for the next one. However, I am pretty easy to please, so if it isn't any better next time, I will still probably like it :) Haha!

Linz said...

PS. I forgot to tell you that I agree about Jasper. What a freakin' weirdo!

Hezstone said...

Sorry Katie bug but I must speak...Yes it had some very "cheesy moments"-had major issues with the hair (as a hair person, I think so much more could have been done)..Jasper looks like he needs to fart.., but I think they NAILED Edward spot on, he is so freakin HOT...and at least 200 of my friends that went here in AZ would it must be a Washington thing..LOL. Besides Edward doesn't stand a chance with you anyway...being team Jacob's Captain and all..;D
We are going again this morning..the numbers are growing..and we are all women..all teens will be in school. Love ya.