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Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Ziploc Box

This box is flippin' hilarious! Anders is so proud of his box. He got it out of the trash on Sunday morning and thought it would be a great car holder. It is... it holds a ton of cars and is just right for his little hands. So the funny part of the story goes like this. He insists on taking it to church. On the way to church he falls asleep, (great kid!!) so I carry him into the building, lay him down on the pew, and go back outside for Liam, who is also asleep. I get back into the church, (I'm gone for all of 35 seconds) to find Anders awake, and looking for his "boc-o-cars". I send Elleory back out to the car to get said box. Anders spends the whole of Sacrament meeting driving the cars up and down the lid of the box. Totally quiet the whole time. So the end of the meeting rolls around and Anders is all packed up to go to nursery, BEFORE the closing song and prayer. When suddenly he realizes that his Dad has not yet seen the box. So out the pew he goes, box in hand on his way to show Daddy. I catch him by the back of his shirt, and am explaining that we have to sing and pray THEN we can show daddy. The poor chorister, my friend Sharla, is practially in tears from laughing at the situation (or it could be that it was her son's farewell talk and she was still crying about that, but she was definitely laughing at us) So I have Anders by the back of his shirt, and he is trying his hardest to get to Daddy. Amazingly he is been very quiet about it. Then the Prayer ends, and I let him go. He is to the stand in Olympic record time, holding the box like he has the most expensive, valuable thing imagable, has this angelic look on his face, and is shoving people out of the way, because he has the most important thing in the world to show Brian. I think Brian gave him the right amount of attention, and praise for the box because next thing I know he is on his way to nursery, box in hand to show his teacher. At this point I have to do some serious wheeling and dealing to get him to trust me with his treasure. Luckily the lid started to fall off and I got to take it with me to get fixed. I used an enormous amount of tape to fix the holy grail of boxes. The things we do to make our kids happy. So today is Tuesday, and the box is still holding a place of honor, and being taken everywhere we go. It has to stay in the car when we get out, only because of it's fragile state, and the museum quality tape job that is holding together. So below are the picture we took with the box. The smile says it all.


Suze said...

The story tonight wasn't as good as the post and the picture. The picture is like the icing on the cake! TOO CUTE! and so funny! Oh man, the day that box dies....I don't know what you'll do.

Heather said...

How cute! Its funny the things that will entertain my boys sometimes. Sure miss you guys!
Happy Birthday to Elleory! We love you!

Linz said...

HAHA!!! I love the little things that entertain children :) Glad he has a treasure.