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Friday, October 2, 2009

NOT my Third Wish.

I repeat...This is NOT my third wish. However... I wish that I had the ability to make people who are suffering, better. I understand that, this statement is in direct in contrast to a statement I previous made about learning from trials and such. BUT...there it is just the same.

I wish I could interfere with nature enough to take away the pain of people I love, and still have them gain from the experience.

I have a friend who says "suffering is good" and sometimes it's "suffering is essential"...I really believe this, but in truth suffering is suffering, and I wish it wasn't...sometimes.

I guess all I have in my power is prayer, a useful and under used tool. I really believe that GOD has that power I lack and he will use it as he sees fit. I'll take that for now AND have faith that He will send blessings to those who could use the extra support.

SO, for now I'm thinking good thoughts and praying. I have a fairly long list...I hope he's ready to hear it.

1 comment:

Linz said...

Agreed. Suffering sucks no matter which way you look at it, but you can appreciate the non-suffering times so much more after life is done kicking the crap outta you!! :)