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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Checkin' One Offa the Bucket List!

Stockholm Syndrome

Yesterday I ran my first Half Marathon. It was a great day. I realized as I drove home that I'm FRESH OUT OF GOALS! Not a good feeling for me. SO, I 'm going to keep that one ON my Bucket List and add a disclaimer....Run a Half Marathon (every year).

Lemme tell you about it! My goal was to run 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 15 minutes. I set out to train in late March with 2 other friends, right away, I got injured.

First, my Dr. found arthritis in my knees. She got that "fixed" very quickly. I had fluid shot into both knees (with needles!) once a week for three weeks. Not as bad as it sounds because I was running pain free.

Then I strained my Soleus Muscle in my right leg. After a month of not running and almost complete PANIC, I decided to just take Advil and run. My great Dr. decided that it wasn't indeed my calf muscle that was still causing pain at that point, but my spine and I was getting residual pain in my legs. I'm happy with that explanation and I'm sticking with it.

Then, for 4 weeks I ran with no pain in my legs, but with a severe lung infection. Finally that cleared up, but, about 3 weeks before the race everything (by which I mean EVERYTHING) went bad. Swelling hip joint, ligament pain in my knee, nerve pain in my legs...Back to the Chiropractor, Dr, PT...everybody. Back to the medicine chest... Back to resting and not running.


Here is where I tell you that prayer and Aleve work wonders. (And maybe rest, but I HATE it, so I'm not a good advertiser of rest.) This last week, I was to the point that my knee hurt at mile 6, so if I could pound it out until then, I could suck it up, slow down, and easy run the rest. That was my game plan, and exactly what I did the day of the race. I ran 13.1 miles in 2:12:39, and I'm PLEASED AS PUNCH with myself. I didn't do it alone. I had my two friends most of the way, and when I was alone (you can only expect your faster friends to stick out slow for so long, before you say "see you at the finish") I had my Heavenly Father. I pray when I helps with the pain.

So would I do it again? Probably not this week, I got some killer blisters that need to heal, but next week? YOU BETCHA! However. I promised myself some time to recover, and (said through clenched teeth) rest. One month, July, while I'm home visiting my parents in Colorado. Hopefully in one month, with a bunch of at home PT, and non running exercise, I'll be back into form.

Now for my NEW Bucket List goal...hit a Crow with my car. Not as easy as it seems.


Heather said...

Nice job Kate!! You did awesome. I'm proud of you for enduring through all of your injuries. I didn't have any injuries- and you beat my time- nice work! Of course I did have snow, hail and rain the entire 13 miles- but I kept my frozen body moving! We finished- and thats what counts- right?? I'm excited to see you guys in Colorado- we'll have a great time. Congratulations on accomplishing a very hard thing! You are awesome!

Heather said...

P.S.- I want to see some pictures of your big race!

Julie said...

Super, Super Congrats!!!! I am so proud of you. Look what you can accomplish when your dead set on it!

melanie said...

Well, first of all...THANK YOU for hitting a crow with your car. I call those pests the devil's bird. I actually ran outside my house in my bathrobe with a slingshot trying to hunt down the feathered beast.

Second, you definitely rocked the marathon! I wish I saw you!!!

Third, let's buy a boat together.

Linz said...

3 things.... Good work! I am impressed! I would love to do a half with you next year. How about April? :)

Capt. Wentworth is hot. I got the movie from the library. Thank you for the eye candy recommendation.

Please, please hit a crow. I hate those nasty things.